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The best travel insurance policies: How do you choose the right coverage?

by Team Voyagoux

The best travel insurance policies: How do you choose the right coverage?

Good travel insurance is essential when you travel. It protects you from unexpected events and provides financial security in case of an emergency. But how do you choose the right coverage? With so many different travel insurance policies on the market, it can be challenging to find the best option. In this article, we'll discuss the most important considerations when choosing travel insurance and provide tips for finding the right coverage.

Why is travel insurance important?

Before we get into the details of choosing the right coverage, it's important to understand why travel insurance is so important. While traveling you run several risks, such as loss of luggage, cancellation of the trip, medical emergencies or accidents. Good travel insurance offers coverage for such situations and ensures that you are not faced with unexpected costs.

Types of travel insurance

There are different types of travel insurance available, each with its own specific coverage. Here are some of the most common:

Cancellation insurance

Cancellation insurance covers the costs if you have to cancel or interrupt your trip due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness, death in the family or dismissal. It reimburses the cost of non-refundable expenses, such as airline tickets and hotel reservations.

Luggage insurance

Luggage insurance protects you against loss, theft or damage to your luggage during the trip. It provides financial compensation for the replacement of personal belongings, such as clothing, electronics, and jewelry.

Medical expense insurance

Medical expenses insurance covers the medical expenses you incur during your trip. This includes costs for doctor visits, hospitalizations, medicines and medical evacuations, among others.

Liability insurance

Liability insurance provides coverage in case you cause damage to others during your trip. This may apply, for example, if you accidentally injure someone or damage other people's property.

Factors to consider when choosing the right coverage

When choosing the right cover for your travel insurance, there are several factors to consider:

Travel destination and duration of the trip

The destination and duration of your trip play an important role in determining the cover you need. If you are traveling to a country with high medical costs, comprehensive medical insurance is essential. For a short trip within Europe, you may only need basic coverage.

Activities and Risks

If you plan on doing adventurous activities such as rock climbing or scuba diving, you should check whether these activities are covered by your travel insurance policy. Some insurers provide specific coverage for high-risk activities, while others exclude it.

Personal belongings and value

If you are taking valuables with you, such as expensive cameras or jewellery, it is important to check whether the maximum coverage of the luggage insurance is sufficient to cover the costs in the event of loss or theft.

Medical history and health condition

If you have a medical condition or regularly take medication, you should make sure your travel insurance policy covers pre-existing conditions and the cost of medication.

Travel insurance comparison criteria

There are several criteria you can use when comparing different travel insurance policies:

Coverage and Exclusions

Check the limits of cover and which situations are covered and which are not. Look for exclusions, such as extreme sports, pre-existing medical conditions, or certain high-risk countries.

Premium and deductible

Compare the premiums of different insurers and look at the deductible you have to pay when submitting a claim. Consider the balance between cost and coverage.

Customer service and reputation

Read reviews and ratings from other customers to get an idea of ​​the insurer's customer service and reliability. Good customer service can make all the difference when handling claims.

Additional benefits

Some travel insurance policies offer additional benefits, such as legal assistance, 24-hour emergency services or reimbursement of extra travel costs in the event of delays. Pay attention to these additional benefits and determine if they are valuable to you.

Tips for finding the right coverage

Finding the right coverage can be overwhelming, but these tips can help simplify the process:

Do thorough research

Take the time to research different insurers and their coverage options. Compare premiums, coverage limits and terms to find the best option for your needs.

Ask for recommendations

Ask friends, family members, or travel experts for recommendations on reputable insurers. Experiences of others can provide valuable insights.

Check online reviews

Read online reviews from other travelers about their experiences with different insurers. This can help you get a sense of the insurer's reputation and customer service.

Read the policy conditions carefully

Make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions of the travel insurance policy before purchasing it. Pay attention to coverage, exclusions, deductibles and other important details.

Common pitfalls when choosing the right coverage

When choosing the right coverage, there are some pitfalls to watch out for:


Choosing a travel insurance policy with coverage limits that are too low can lead to underinsurance. Make sure the coverage is sufficient to cover costs in the event of possible events.


On the other hand, choosing a travel insurance policy with too much coverage can lead to over-insurance. Assess your needs and choose a cover that fits to avoid unnecessary costs.

Insufficient cover for specific risks

Pay attention to the specific risks relevant to your trip and make sure they are covered. Check the policy conditions and take out additional cover if necessary.

Forgetting about additional benefits

Some travelers may not be aware of the additional benefits offered with their travel insurance. Read the policy conditions carefully and make use of these extra benefits if necessary.


When choosing the right coverage for your travel insurance policy, it is important to consider several factors, such as your travel destination, activities, personal belongings and medical history. Compare different insurers based on coverage, premium, customer service and additional benefits. Do your due diligence and read the policy terms carefully to make sure you get the right cover for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the difference between travel insurance and health insurance?

    • Travel insurance provides coverage for specific risks while traveling, while health insurance provides coverage for medical expenses in general.
  2. Do I need to take out travel insurance when traveling within Europe?

    • While an EHIC card can cover basic health care in the European Union, travel insurance may still be useful for additional coverage, such as cancellation or lost luggage.
  3. Can I adjust my travel insurance after taking out it?

    • In some cases you can adjust your travel insurance after you have purchased it. Contact the insurer to discuss the options.
  4. Are all activities covered by standard travel insurance?

    • No, not all activities are covered by standard travel insurance. Check the policy conditions and take out additional cover if necessary.
  5. Is it possible to take out annual travel insurance?

    • Yes, it is possible to take out continuous travel insurance, which allows you to cover several trips during the year with one insurance policy.